Our Mission
Century Legal encourages unbundled and/or limited representation legal services that fit the unique needs of each client. Additionally, we partner with professionals who want to improve their ability to provide great services to their clients in the most efficient and effective way.
Our Services
Century Legal offers industry-leading legal solutions to attorneys and law firms. Our suite of legal support services, consulting and coaching solutions can help you streamline your existing case workflow, enable you to offer new services to your existing and prospective clients and, ultimately, provide you with tools to improve both the quality and the efficiency of your practice.
Century Legal services are ideal for:
- Law firms that already process a high volume of cases who are looking to scale without incurring additional overhead
- Law firms seeking to broaden their practices and offer new legal services
- Law firms seeking to increase their knowledge of best practices for case management
- Law firms seeking to develop new marketing channels
Our services include:
- Preparation of all common client documents
- Attorney review of client matters in select jurisdictions
- Attorney-to-attorney coaching on specific matters case preparation
- Review of your firm’s current case management practices
- Implementation of document automation and other advanced automation solutions
- Consulting on best practices for case administration
- Development of new marketing channels for your firm’s legal services